.: 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

The 101 Most Useful Websites....

source - http://www.labnol.org/internet/101-useful-websites/18078/
1. ctrlq.org/screenshots – for capturing screenshots of web pages on mobile and desktops.
2. dictation.io – online voice recognition in the browser itself.
3. zerodollarmovies.com – find full-length movies on YouTube.
4. screenr.com – record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.
5. goo.gl – shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.
6. unfurlr.come – find the original URL that’s hiding behind a short URL.
7. qClock – find the local time of a city using Google Maps.
8. copypastecharacter.com – copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard.
9. codeacademy.com – the best place to learn coding online.
10. lovelycharts.com – create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc.
11. iconfinder.com – find icons of all sizes.
12. office.com – download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents.
13. followupthen.com – the easiest way to setup email reminders.
14. jotti.org – scan any suspicious file or email attachment for viruses.
15. wolframalpha.com – gets answers directly without searching   – see more wolfram tips.
16. printwhatyoulike.com – print web pages without the clutter.
17. ctrlq.save – save online files to Dropbox or Google Drive directly.
18. ctrql.rss – a search engine for RSS feeds.
19. e.ggtimer.com – a simple online timer for your daily needs.
20. coralcdn.org – if a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN.
21. random.org – pick random numbers, flip coins, and more.
22. pdfescape.com – lets you can quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself.
23. tubemogul.com – simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites.
24. scr.im – share you email address online without worrying about spam.
25. spypig.com – now get read receipts for your email.
26. myfonts.com/WhatTheFont – quickly determine the font name from an image.
27. google.com/webfonts – a good collection of open source fonts.
28. regex.info – find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.
29. livestream.com – broadcast events live over the web, including your desktop screen.
30. iwantmyname.com – helps you search domains across all TLDs.
31. homestyler.com – design from scratch or re-model your home in 3d.
32. join.me – share you screen with anyone over the web.
33. onlineocr.net – recognize text from scanned PDFs – see other OCR tools.
34. flightstats.com – Track flight status at airports worldwide.
35. wetransfer.com – for sharing really big files online.
36. hundredzeros.com – the site lets you download free Kindle books.
37. polishmywriting.com – check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors.
38. marker.to – easily highlight the important parts of a web page for sharing.
39. typewith.me – work on the same document with multiple people.
40. whichdateworks.com – planning an event? find a date that works for all.
41. everytimezone.com – a less confusing view of the world time zones.
42. gtmetrix.com – the perfect tool for measuring your site performance online.
43. noteflight.com – print music sheets, write your own music online (review).
44. imo.im – chat with your buddies on Skype, Facebook, Google Talk, etc. from one place.
45. translate.google.com – translate web pages, PDFs and Office documents.
46. kleki.com – create paintings and sketches with a wide variety of brushes.
47. similarsites.com – discover new sites that are similar to what you like already.
48. wordle.net – quick summarize long pieces of text with tag clouds.
49. bubbl.us – create mind-maps, brainstorm ideas in the browser.
50. kuler.adobe.com – get color ideas, also extract colors from photographs.
51. liveshare.com – share your photos in an album instantly.
52. lmgtfy.com – when your friends are too lazy to use Google on their own.
53. midomi.com – when you need to find the name of a song.
54. google.com/history – see your past searches, also among most important Google URLs
55. bing.com/images – automatically find perfectly-sized wallpapers for mobiles.
56. faxzero.com – send an online fax for free – see more fax services.
57. feedmyinbox.com – get RSS feeds as an email newsletter.
58. ge.tt – qiuckly send a file to someone, they can even preview it before downloading.
59. pipebytes.com – transfer files of any size without uploading to a third-party server.
60. tinychat.com – setup a private chat room in micro-seconds.
61. privnote.com – create text notes that will self-destruct after being read.
62. boxoh.com – track the status of any shipment on Google Maps – alternative.
63. mondrian.io – create vector drawings in the browser
64. draw.io – create diagrams and flowcharts in the browser, export your drawings to Google Drive and Dropbox.
65. downforeveryoneorjustme.com – find if your favorite website is offline or not?
66. ewhois.com – find the other websites of a person with reverse Analytics lookup.
67. whoishostingthis.com – find the web host of any website.
68. labnol.org – software tutorials and how-to guides.
69. disposablewebpage.com – create a temporary web page that self-destruct.
70. urbandictionary.com – find definitions of slangs and informal words.
71. seatguru.com – consult this site before choosing a seat for your next flight.
72. unsplash.com – download images absolutely free.
73. zoom.it – view very high-resolution images in your browser without scrolling.
74. scribblemaps.com – create custom Google Maps easily.
75. alertful.com – quickly setup email reminders for important events.
76. picmonkey.com – Picnik is offline but PicMonkey is an even better image editor.
77. formspring.me – you can ask or answer personal questions here.
78. sumopaint.com – an excellent layer-based online image editor.
79. snopes.com – find if that email offer you received is real or just another scam.
80. typingweb.com – master touch-typing with these practice sessions.
81. mailvu.com – send video emails to anyone using your web cam.
82. timerime.com – create timelines with audio, video and images.
83. stupeflix.com – make a movie out of your images, audio and video clips.
84. safeweb.norton.com – check the trust level of any website.
85. teuxdeux.com – a beautiful to-do app that looks like your paper dairy.
86. deadurl.com – you’ll need this when your bookmarked web pages are deleted.
87. minutes.io – quickly capture effective notes during meetings.
88. youtube.com/leanback – Watch YouTube channels in TV mode.
89. youtube.com/disco – quickly create a video playlist of your favorite artist.
90. talltweets.com – Send tweets longer than 140 characters.
91. pancake.io – create a free and simple website using your Dropbox account.
92. builtwith.com – find the technology stack to know everything about a website.
93. woorank.com – research a website from the SEO perspective.
94. mixlr.com – broadcast live audio over the web.
95. radbox.me – bookmark online videos and watch them later (review).
96. tagmydoc.com – add QR codes to your documents and presentations (review).
97. notes.io – the easiest way to write short text notes in the browser.
98. ctrlq.org/html-mail – send rich-text mails to anyone, anonymously.
99. fiverr.com – hire people to do little things for $5.
100. otixo.com – easily manage your online files on Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
101. ifttt.com – create a connection between all your online accounts.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

25 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein


“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” – Albert Einstein

The more complicated you have to make something seem, the more you do not understand the inner workings of it. Think about the best teachers that you have had in your life. Did they make even the most complicated topics full of vocabulary that you did not understand or did they make it easier to understand by simplifying?
25 Life Lessons from Albert Einstein
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” – Albert Einstein
Inspire others to do what they love. Use your creativity to create new works, and you never know what others will create. It’s time to let your mind create projects and ideas that will have a domino effect throughout the world.
Hard Work and Failure
“The only sure way to avoid making mistakes is to have no new ideas.” – Albert Einstein
“You never fail until you stop trying.” -Albert Einstein
Einstein spent most of his life working on physics theories- some never worked out and others we know today. You never know which one will work out, but persistence is key. You have to keep working hard and keep trying to solve your problem. Failure doesn’t exist until you stop trying.
Live in the Present
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.” -Albert Einstein
You are only guaranteed the moment that you have right now, at this moment. You can try to get yourself worried about the future and make plans that may not work out according to plan. What matters most is living now, today. Do your best right now and do not worry about tomorrow.
Be Unconventional
“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.” – Albert Einstein
Everything great took a process of going outside of the box and doing something unconventional. If you continue to do the norm, then you are going to just produce normal, conventional results. Think differently, and you may find your answer.
“Imagination is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein
Imagination is key. When you imagine something differently, you begin to share with others. People begin to see the world that you imagine. Together you can create and help each other. Take time today to daydream, imagine, and share your ideas with others.
Work Towards the Impossible
“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.” – Albert Einstein
If it seems ridiculous to others and you are willing to take the risk, then you are able to achieve the impossible. When you go beyond what others think is reasonable, an amazing thing starts to happen. You complete what was once an obstacle.
Value People
“We know from daily life that we exist for other people first of all, for whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends.” – Albert Einstein
“Life isn’t worth living, unless it is lived for someone else.” – Albert Einstein
If you put people first, they will value you and look to you as a person who genuinely cares about others. Spend at least a few minutes out of your busy day being fully engaged with people without any distractions. Show them that you value them. Thank them and send compliments their way. It will not only make their day better, but they will appreciate it and remember what you have done for them.
“Student is not a container you have to fill but a torch you have to light up.” – Albert Einstein
Share your ideas with others. You may light a spark that ignites someone to do what they have always wanted. If you just hold all of your ideas and knowledge to yourself, you are not helping others at all. What if you held the key that would solve someone’s problems, wouldn’t you want to share it?
Be Open to Learning
“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” -Albert Einstein
It’s the journey as you learn and not just soaking up all of the information. It’s fully diving in and learning that some things work and others do not. Learning is not a one-size-fits-all path, but your own customized journey.
Do What is Right
“Always do what’s right; this will gratify some and astonish the rest.” – Albert Einstein
When you come to the fork in the road or if your consciousness is offering you a decision, always do what is right. You may feel that the other option will be easier or offer you more money, but when you know that the other option will allow you more opportunity in the future or is the right thing to do, then you have to do it. It’s not going out and choosing the easiest decision, but taking the time to follow your gut and do the right thing will keep you standing out from the crowd.

1. Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
2. Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.
3. Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
4. If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
5. A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.
6. Love is a better teacher than duty.
7. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
8. No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
9. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
10. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
11. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.
12. Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.
13. Force always attracts men of low morality.
14. Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.
15. A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
16. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.
17. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
18. It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
19. Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
20. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
21. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
22. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
23. Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.
24. Information is not knowledge.
25. Never lose a holy curiosity.